
~欧培拉蛋糕 Opera Cake~

为老公的生日而做了这多层次感的**Opera Cake**
谢谢Aunty Young分享的食谱

Almond sponge cake(JocondeBiscuit)

材料 Ingredients:
杏仁粉(almond meal)………………… 80 g 
糖粉(icing sugar)………………………80 g 
低筋面粉 (cake flour)…………………50 g 
全蛋 (egg)…………………………… 3 粒/pcs
植物油 (corn oil)....…………………   20 g 
发粉 (baking powder)………………    ¼ 茶匙/tsp

蛋白(egg white) ………………………3 粒/pcs
塔塔粉(tartar powder)……….……… ¼ 茶匙/tsp
幼糖(caster sugar) …………………    10 g 

做法 Method: 
1. Mix and sift the icing sugar, almond meal, baking powder and cake flour. Beat the eggs till white and fluffy. Add in half of the sifted powder, mix well. Add in the other half and mix well again.

2.最后把植物油倒入步骤 1 , 搅拌均匀,备用。
2.  Add corn oil into step 1, mix well and set aside.

3.  Add the tartar powder into the egg white and beat until foamy. Add in the caster sugar and continue to beat until meringue is formed. 

4.  Lightly fold 1/3 of the meringue into the almond mixture. Fold in the remaining 2/3 of meringue evenly.

5.  Pour the batter into a 7" square tin and bake in a preheated oven at 180°c for 30 min.

6.  Invert the cake immediately after removing from the oven. When it has cooled down completely, cut the cake into 3 layers of equal thickness.
 咖啡糖浆The coffee syrup 
水(water) 40g
白糖(caster sugar) 30g 
即溶咖啡粉( instant coffee powder) 1 tbsp 
咖啡酒(kahlua)1 tbsp

Dissolve the sugar in water over low flame, then add in the instant coffee powder. After 10 minutes, add in the kahlua, stir well and strain for later use.  

法式焦糖咖啡奶油French style caramel coffee cream
白糖(caste sugar) 75g
水(water) 30ml 
动物性奶油(whipping cream) 50ml
蛋黄(egg yolk) 2粒/pcs
植物性鲜奶油(topping cream) 120g
咖啡精华液(coffee essence) 1/2tbsp

1。 隔水加热动物性奶油,保温待用。
1.  Double boil the whipping cream and keep it warm for later use.

2。 蛋黄用打蛋器打散。(体积变大,状态浓稠)
2.   Beat the egg yolk until light and foamy.

3。 把水和糖,煮至呈金黄色,接近变焦糖时,加入加热动物性奶油,煮一会马上离火。
3.   Boil the water and sugar until nearly caramelized, add in the warm whipping cream and cook for a short while before removing the pot from the flame.

4。 然后将煮好的奶油焦糖(做法3)徐徐地加入蛋黄(做法2)中,同时用打蛋器不断搅拌它,直到完全变凉。
4.  Slowly add the cream caramel(step 3) into the egg yolk(step 2). Continue to stir the mixture until it has cooled down completely.

5.  Whisk the topping cream until soft peaks form. Slowly fold it into the caramelized egg yolk mixture(step 4). Finally add in the coffee essence and stir evenly to make theFrench style caramel coffee cream.

 (Don't over-beat the topping cream or it might turn coarse. Should it turn coarse, add a little water of fresh topping cream to make it less coarse.)

巧克力干那许ChocolateGanache : 

黑巧克力(dark chocolate) 150g
动物奶油 (whipping cream) 150g
牛油(butter) 15g

Cook all the ingredients over a low flame until smooth and gleaming to make the ganache.

1。 取一片蛋糕,放入1个7寸四方活动模里,刷上咖啡糖酱,涂一层法式焦糖咖啡奶油,一层干娜许。
1.   Place a layer of cake in a 7" base removable square tin and brush the surface with a thin layer of coffee syrup. Spread a layer of French caramel coffee cream, then a layer of chocolate ganache on top.

2。 铺上第二片蛋糕,刷上咖啡糖酱,涂一层法式焦糖咖啡奶油,一层干娜许。
2.   Next add a second layer of cake, coffee syrup, French caramel coffee cream and chocolate ganache.

3。 铺上最后一片蛋糕, 刷上咖啡糖酱,涂一层法式焦糖咖啡奶油,放入冰箱冷藏5分钟,最后淋上剩余的干娜许,再次收进冰箱冷藏至少4个小时或干娜许完全凝固,用吹风筒吹四边帮助脱模,脱模后装饰即可。
3.  Add the third layer of cake, coffee syrup and French caramel coffee cream. Refrigerate for 5 minutes before drizzling the remaining chocolate ganache on top. Chill the cake in for least 4 hours or until it is set.  

